Category Archives: Blog

Devils coach horse beetle at Spring farm alpacas

British Scorpion?

We are very lucky at Spring Farm to have so much wildlife surrounding us in addition to our adorable alpacas. Most of the time you see the larger creatures such as deer, squirrels, birds etc. but just occasionally you look down at your feet and are in for a big surprise. The picture is of a Devil’s Coach Horse Beetle. As you can see it raises up its tail as if it were a scorpion and that plus its large pincers makes it a truly terrifying beast – if you are an ant! Come to Spring Farm for our alpaca safari tours and you never know what you might bump into!!

Devils coach horse beetle at Spring farm alpacas

British scorpion!

Baby alpaca

Alpaca walk with like minded wildlife enthusiasts!

We were lucky enough yesterday to have Vivienne, Becca, Tony and Waqas join us for an alpaca walk. They were joined by our walking alpacas – Nixon, Neptune, Napoleon and Nugget. Nelson walked with Vicki so as not to be left out.

Our alpaca walking team

Walking alpaca team at the ready!

Baby alpaca

Olivia just hates to be left out

female alpacas and baby alpacas

Meeting our mum’s and baby alpacas

Walk alpacas in Sussex close to Brighton

Happy Birthday (fortnight) Jess!

We were very privileged to host a 21st Birthday walk with our alpacas on Saturday for Jess – with Sarah, Bec and Peter.

Alpaca walking through our sunken lane

Jess, Bec, Sarah and Peter

Walk alpacas in Sussex close to Brighton

Jess with Nugget, Bec with Nelson, Sarah with Napoleon and Peter with Neptune

Feeding carrots to alpacas after a walk

Jess paying an alpaca “toll”

Feed our alpacas after a walk

“You can never have enough carrots” Says Nugget